1.监测master的状态Ping(SELECT) succeeded, waiting until MySQL doesn't respond..
2.当监控发现master异常时发出warning,并重试4次连接查询,并同时检查SSH状态。3.读取配置文件,检查其他节点状态。 Reading configuration file /etc/masterha/masterha_default.conf and /etc/masterha/app1.conf again, and trying to connect to all servers to check server status.. 经过双一轮检查,宣部master is down!4.终止监控脚本Terminating monitoring script.
5.进入master failover进程:Starting master failover.(检查各节点状态,GTID based failover,Getting Latest Slaves Phase,) Phase 1: Configuration Check Phase completed. Phase 2: Dead Master Shutdown Phase completed. Phase 3: Master Recovery Phase Phase 3.1: Getting Latest Slaves PhasePhase 3.3: Determining New Master Phase.
Phase 3.3: New Master Recovery Phase..(其实应该是3.4)
告知新节点环境binlog和position 并把new master 设置为Set read_only=0 on the new master.
完成master 迁移后,实现VIP迁移 Phase 4: Slaves Recovery Phase Phase 4.1: Starting Slaves in parallel..6.输出迁移报告:
----- Failover Report -----